Project    Rahma Group/Al‑Saafi Holding Outpatient Center, Ash Shi`afiyin Medical City, Msallata, Libya
Work       Architectural & Interior Design
Counts    70 exam and 12 procedure rooms for 16 medical disciplines
Area         PA 120.000 m² GFA 8.500 m²
Year          2022-ongoing
This outpatient clinic has 70 examination rooms and 12 procedure rooms that accommodate 16 medical disciplines. It is part of a regional complex that will include a medical university, a 400-room iHFG ​​​​​​​Level 5 regional teaching hospital, an air ambulance-equipped emergency room, physical and psychiatric rehabilitation centers, and a boarding school for autistic children and youth, all of which will serve a catchment area of more than 4 million people in northeastern Libya as well as Algeria and Tunisia.