Project Rahma Group/Al‑Saafi Holding, Ash Shi`afiyin Medical City, Msallata, Libya
Work Master Planning
Area PA 120.000 m²
Year 2022-ongoing Project Ash Shi`afiyin Medical City, Msallata, Libya
Work Master Planning
Area PA 120.000 m²
Year 2022-ongoing Project Ash Shi`afiyin Medical City, Msallata, Libya
A 400-bed iHFG Level 5 regional teaching hospital
B Outpatient center
C Medical university for 500 students
D 200-bed physical and psychiatric rehabilitation center
E 300-bed boarding school for autistic children and youth
F Elementary and secondary school
G Shopping and entertainment areas
H 250-key hotel and spa
J 160 apartments and condominiums for faculty and staff
B Outpatient center
C Medical university for 500 students
D 200-bed physical and psychiatric rehabilitation center
E 300-bed boarding school for autistic children and youth
F Elementary and secondary school
G Shopping and entertainment areas
H 250-key hotel and spa
J 160 apartments and condominiums for faculty and staff